Exclusive | Church Abuse Scandal: Bishop accuses bishop of sexual harassment

Ever since Justin Welby’s unprecedented resignation, prompted by allegations of abuse first reported on this programme, the Church has been in crisis.
The man currently leading the institution, the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, has already faced multiple calls to quit over his alleged failure to handle abuse cases properly.
Our report tonight – detailing accusations of sexual assault and harassment – ratchets up the pressure, as we reveal Archbishop Stephen was informed of the allegations before the Bishop at the centre of the claims was enthroned in a more senior role.
We should warn you, this report contains some distressing testimony.
Tonight the Bishop of Liverpool told us:
“I have consistently denied the allegations made against me by both complainants. I have complied with any investigation from the National Safeguarding Team.
Whilst I don’t believe I have done anything wrong, I have taken seriously the lessons learnt through this process addressing how my actions can be perceived by others.
I will comply with any investigation deemed necessary. I take safeguarding very seriously”.
A Church of England spokesperson said:
“The complaint was made after Bishop John had legally become Bishop of Liverpool. The National Safeguarding Team…concluded there were no ongoing safeguarding concerns, but a learning outcome was identified with which the Bishop fully engaged.
The information from the second complainant was assessed not to be a safeguarding matter but a matter of alleged misconduct. Pastoral support has been provided throughout for the second complainant and is ongoing.
The second complainant did not bring a Clergy Discipline Measure complaint within the one-year deadline. She later applied for permission to bring it after the deadline, which the Archbishop of York fully supported. However, this was refused by an independent judge, the Deputy President of Tribunals.”