Good Luck With That! Undeterred J.K. Rowling Mocks Lefties Who’ve Doubled Down on Calling Her ‘Fascist’

Since the election this writer has watched, with a degree of amazement, the Left continue to beclown themselves. They learned nothing about why they lost the election and seem to have zero interest in making the reforms their party so desperately needs.
This writer is perfectly fine with this. As Napoleon said, ‘Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.’
So double down, Lefties. Your approval rating is at 31%; let’s see if you can get it to go even lower.
And trust us when they say they are doubling down:
I see the leftists who threw evidence-based medicine and safeguarding out of the window, causing acute harm to women, gay rights and vulnerable young people, have embraced a new strategy of yelling ‘fascist’ twice as loudly at those who tried to warn them. Good luck with that.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 29, 2025
This proves the Left have no argument. They cannot argue from medicine, or science, or morality because the things they support are antithetical to logic and reason. So they scream ‘fascist’ over and over in a failed attempt to shut up their opponents.
We’re all fascists now. I always thought I’d get a nice uniform but so far nothing.
— Trans Widows’ Voices. (@transwidows) January 29, 2025
We thought we were getting Handmaid’s robes, darn it.
I have neither the ironing nor buckle-polishing skills and I’m way too clumsy for rifle drill.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 29, 2025
Who the hell wrote their playbook??
Voldemort??— Wildfire Whispers (@WildfireWhisper) January 29, 2025
Nah. Voldemort, while evil, was at least smart.
The name calling just tells you everything you need to know
— Rep. Nancy Mace (@RepNancyMace) January 29, 2025
It sure does.
It tells us they’ve got nothing.
It’s an incredible plan, I’m sure it is going to work this time.
— Billy Bragg (@Serena_Partrick) January 30, 2025
Starting to get the feeling Dolores Umbridge was based on a real person…
— RG (@rmgonzo) January 30, 2025
Once again, the young lady has nailed it. If we turned everytime wouldbe trans activist influencer & social media blowhard Erica Moise’s @legaltweetz posts the words ‘fascist’ or ‘Nazi’ into a drinking game, we’d be sloshed 24/7.
— Fred Sargeant (@FredSargeant) January 30, 2025
We’d die of alcohol poisoning.
Everybody knows that only feminists are allowed to call people fascists
— Toastmaster General (@Vosnicos) January 29, 2025
When they scream “fascist” it probably means you got in the way of their self importance.
— JC 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 (@cunninghamjeff) January 29, 2025
That’s absolutely part of it.
Reject wokeism and their struggle sessions.
— Nick Tagas (@Nick_Tagas) January 29, 2025
Reject it forcefully.