New public servants should plan for retirement now

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This week, we’re launching Public Service Confidential a brand-new workplace advice column for public servants. To kick things off, we asked our expert columnists what advice they would give themselves if they could go back in time to when they started working in the federal public service. Here’s what retired public servant V. C. de la Ronde wrote.
Dear younger self:
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What a pleasure to hear that you have accepted an offer to work with the Public Service of Canada. I know that it was a dream of yours.
Canada’s public service is one of the best in the world. It is true. It has been my experience that people from many countries have invited us or visited to learn more about our services.
Might I suggest that you review the organization chart of your department to see how your role, no matter how large or small, helps to keep Canada the best?
Further, I notice that you have had some short-term positions with federally-regulated organizations. It would be a benefit to take steps to add those days to your pensionable service. Doing so early in your career would cost less as it is calculated on current salary levels.
And this may sound curious but as soon as possible, take the pre-retirement course. It can offer valuable advice on things that you could put in place right now. There is so much more I would love to share but we can have further conversations.
Yours sincerely,
Your older self
Are you a public servant with questions about your workplace? Write to us anonymously at [email protected] and we’ll pick our favourites to send to an expert columnist. No gripe is too small. No topic is too big.
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